Nolensville Road Project
Nolensville Road widening (State Route 11)
The project for State Route 11 (US 31-A/Nolensville Road), from south of Burkitt Road in Williamson County to near SR 254 (Old Hickory Boulevard) in Metro Nashville-Davidson County, includes reconstruction and widening for approximately 4.4 miles. The proposed improvements are intended to address congestion, improve safety, and accommodate growth in this rapidly developing area.
The existing roadway is primarily two lanes. The project will widen the existing roadway to a five-lane facility, including two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction, a 12-foot dedicated center turn lane, 10-foot paved shoulders/bike lanes, curb and gutter, and five-foot sidewalks on each side.
Due to the significant cost estimate to appraise and acquire Right of Way within the project limits, the proposed improvements will be separated into two smaller sections or phases.
Phase I: north of Mill Creek to near SR 254 (Old Hickory Boulevard)
Phase II: south of Burkitt Road to north of Mill Creek
Type of Work: Reconstruct and widen from existing 2 to 5 lanes
Current Status:
Phase 1: Right-of-way
Phase 2: Right-of-way
Next Milestone
Phase 1: Contract Letting
Phase 2: Completion of Right-of-way Acquisition
Anticipated Letting Date
Phase 1: Spring 2022;
Phase 2: 1st Quarter 2024 (Earliest Let Date)
Preliminary Project Estimate
Phase 1: $37.9 Mil.
Phase 2: $33.6 Mil.
Update from TDOT Community Relations Division (4/30/2021):
Phase 1 on the map (OHB to Mill Creek) is the project that was funded for construction in 2022. Right now it’s forecasted to be let to contract in Spring 2022 - that’s when TDOT receives bids on the project. If there are no issues with the bids, it typically takes about 8 weeks after the letting for the contractor to begin construction.
The TDOT construction office will set the contract time on the project several weeks before the letting, so that’s when we’ll know how long construction is estimated to take. In my experience, urban widening projects with extensive utility relocations similar to this project usually take 3-3.5 years to complete
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