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Governing Documents
Governing Documents
Charter (“Articles”) and Bylaws
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (“CCRs” or “Declarations”)
Declarations (CCR)
Deeds of Conveyance – Sewer/Water Mains
Deed of Conveyance for Sewer and Water Mains
Deeds for Open Space
Easements – Sanitary Sewers and/or Storm Drains
Dedication of Easements for Sanitary Sewers and/or Storm Drains
Plats and Plat Corrections
Plat and Plat Corrections
Stormwater Detention Agreement with Metro
Stormwater Detention Agreement
Fence Policy
2014 Fence Policy
Enforcement and Fine Policies
2020 Notice, Fine and Enforcement Policy (Adopted June 2020)
2016 Rental, Leasing, and Homesharing Policy
Parking Regulations
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